“Transformers” a breath-taking ride


“Transformers: Age of Extinction” is the fourth installment in the movie series, and all of them have been directed by Michael Bay.

This movie is about what happens after aliens attack Earth. It follows Cade Yeager, played by Boston-bred Mark Wahlberg, and his family and the Autobots. The government is hunting down the Autobots and killing them in an attempt to find Optimus Prime, all just to satisfy an alien bounty hunter.

In order to really get a good understanding of what is happening in the movie, seeing the previous three movies or just having a general knowledge of Transformers and their history would definitely be helpful.

The past three movies have followed Sam Witwicky, who was the person who discovered the Transformers. Sam is not in this movie, nor is he mentioned at all. It is a huge plot flaw by the writers.

The plot for the whole movie was just full of holes, little things that should’ve been included for better understanding. Almost no background to the situation is given, or why the situation is quite happening. There’s barely any character background and the movie just kind of leaves you with a bunch of questions.

However, the special effects in the movie are the absolute best I’ve seen. Everything was so real, so there. The 3D effects were on point. Bay didn’t force them, like is done in some movies, instead the effects just enhance the experience.

The movie is full of drama, action, and comedy. There are many surprises and turns that nobody in the audience quite sees coming.

“Transformers” Age of Extinction” is definitely a must-see for action fiends all around, and totally for hero fans alike.

I’m not quite sure the movie is designed for kids however. Maybe pre-teen boys, at the earliest, but otherwise I cannot see a child really enjoying this film. The humor in it may have been funnier for older people and the plot that did exist is a little too intense and twisted for a kid to follow.

I give this movie four stars out of five. The movie took my breath away and kept my attention. I came away stunned and in awe, and with the way Bay left it at the end, definitely in anticipation of yet another fabulous Transformers movie.
–June 27, 2014–