Weather and its Mood Swings

Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Raider Times staff nor its advisor.

To most, the summertime is the best time of the year. Summer is the favorite for many reasons such as no school, the heat, and even all of the different outdoor activities, such as fishing, camping, walking around town with friends, bike riding, swimming, and hiking. The possibilities that summer entail are endless.

The favorite season is usually summer mainly for the weather being hunky dory. People love to sit under the sun and go swimming and the summer is the only time you can do that in New England. Activities also include going camping, fishing, and hiking, more things that, to me, are only fun in the summertime.

Some people, however, like the winter season for many reasons, including the snow, the fashion, the holidays, and winter activities, such as sledding, skiing or snowboarding, and building snowmen. Snow is a miraculous thing, and is a very beautiful thing. However when it starts to get feet deep, brown, and slushy, all of its natural beauty is taken and it becomes a cold, slushy, ugly mess.

The holidays are a great time of the year, even with all of the added stress because everyone seems happier and they have an excuse to have fun. Like many, I love Christmas the most because of the beautiful lights and the joy that everyone seems to give off the closer the holiday gets. Even the other holidays that are celebrated have their own beautiful traditions.

The thing about the holidays is people can still celebrate them in every way, wear red and green, or blue, have the lawn ornaments and lights outside the houses, whatever and whichever way you like to spend them, but it doesn’t have to be cold or snowy outside to have a great time. They will be just the same with or without the cold weather; sometimes, I think that winter holidays would be nicer out if it was nice out to begin with.

Fall is a season that has its perks and its disadvantages. A perk is the beauty that comes from the different colored leaves that litter the ground and the stiffening branches of the trees. The disadvantage is that it leads into a cold, dry, barren, lifeless winter. Everything begins to die and it becomes gloomy at the end.

Spring, however, is a season that has only perks because of the life that begins to once again flourish in a once lifeless land and snow melts away with no trace of ever being there. Also it leads into the best season which is summer, and then you’re back outside after being cooped up in the house all winter. The seasons change so drastically in only a short amount of time.

Summer is the season full of life and nature’s natural beauty, fall is the season which captures the beauty of the beginning of the end to the life that once was, winter is the season of holidays but the end to a once living place, and finally spring is the rebirth of the once dead and lifeless place that once was. Everyone has a preference; some seasons are favored more than others but it all comes down to your personal interests.