We’ve finalized our resumes, sent out applications, and crossed our fingers that the admissions board at College XYZ finds us perfectly qualified. But what now?
The way I see it there are three paths left on our academic journey up to graduation: thriving, staying alive, or catching “senioritis”. While everyone may all make it to the podium in the end, the remaining days until June 3 still shape the people we are and will be after receiving our diplomas.
Whether we’d like to admit it or not, in this final year, at some point, we’re all faced with work and stress that threatens our motivation. “Senioritis” is a silent killer; you don’t plan to leave all three of your midterm projects until the day before they’re due. It never crosses your mind that you didn’t finish (or start) memorizing those equations for math. Yet somehow in our brains, the fact that we’re seniors and “entitled to a break” has distracted us from our duty as students.
Of course, it’s never too late to realize this and change our work ethic, but for some even that is exhausting. For others, it’s a change they’re glad to make. A driven student knows that having their application submitted presents a sense of security and completion, but is by no means an excuse to slack off. The appeal of passing time in idleness is tempting, but in the end, a respect for learning and using school time meaningfully isn’t an unreasonable expectation.
We have the luxury of a free education, and we should cherish that. To a certain degree, we’re in charge of the classes and electives we take, so why lose interest now? Truly immerse yourselves in the subjects you love, ask the questions that have been puzzling you for years, and take the time to value everyone who has helped you grow up to this point.
Our teachers who’ve supported us over the years continue to do so as we reach the end of school. They let us see our potential and have spent much more time than they were obligated to so that we succeed. I know I’ll never forget my favorite teachers Mr. Spillane and Mr. MacLaughlin. When I had to prepare for my SATs, Mr. Spillane didn’t even hesitate to help me out during his free period. Being able to go to him and ask questions without feeling like a burden meant a lot to me. In Mr. MacLaughlin’s class, we’d always have discussions about topics that went beyond the text, and he really changed my perspective of life in and out of WHS’s halls. As seniors, we need to remember those who’ve encouraged and inspired us, and approach adulthood with our dreams in mind.
So what I hope for the Class of 2016 as we reach the halfway point of the year is that we make the most of our time. Our days, as routine as they may seem, still give us the chance to learn new things and find new passions, and I encourage you all to enjoy everything you can in the final semesters we have left at WHS.
–Jan. 28, 2016–