Members of Watertown High School's new Animal Rights Club brought donations to the Animal Rescue League of Boston on April 29, 2014.
The new Animal Rights Club has been a hit this year, with multiple successful projects and events, catching the attention of Watertown High School students and faculty.
Started by Sasha Helfner and run by Elizabeth Wissler, one of the club’s main goals this year was to help out a local animal shelter, the Animal Rescue League of Boston.
Club members set to work making posters to spread the word about a drive for donations, and soon, many cardboard boxes were full of dog treats, cans of cat food, used towels, brushes, toys, and more.
Several morning meetings were devoted to sewing socks full of rice, which can be microwaved and used to comfort cats and dogs post-surgery. Fleece sleeves were also made to help keep the sock pillows cozy and clean.
On Tuesday, April 29, the Animal Rights Club took a field trip into Boston to deliver these donations to the shelter. The shelter workers were very grateful and gave the club members a tour. The tour consisted of a presentation on the many jobs available in the career of protecting animals (everything from dog psychologist to website engineer), a walk through the medical center where animals are spayed and neutered so that they can quickly find homes, and, of course, a chance to pet all the animals!
The field trip was very fun and educational, and the shelter was happy to have the donations. The Animal Rights Club says a very big thank you to everyone who contributed a donation to the drive; there will likely be another next year.
Other ways to get involved with animal rights are to volunteer at the shelter (if you are over 16 years old), adopt an animal in need, or join the Animal Rights Club so that you can be involved with future events.
–May 7, 2014–