Reflections from 2016 Watertown High School senior athletes and teacher-coaches -- featuring video interviews
It’s no secret that WHS athletics is the epitome of the phrase “small but mighty”. Against all odds Raider athletes in countless sports have taken on and defeated teams from massive schools.
Over the course of the past four years, Watertown High School’s accomplishments have included state title runs in boys’ soccer, girls’ and boys’ basketball, boys’ ice hockey, and many more. Even on a national level, the high school has kept its competitive edge, with the field hockey team beating America’s longest undefeated streak and extending it to 160 games.
To put it in perspective, we’re literally running out of places to put all the awards.
Watch and listen to 14 Watertown High athletes and coaches by clicking on the stories below!
There is less and less space on the gym’s walls for victory banners. The newly built trophy case just outside the gym in the hall is already starting to get overcrowded. This kind of success is rare; coveted by many but achieved by few. It is a testament to the dedication our athletes put into their sports, proving that hard work truly does pay off.
But athletes would be nothing without their coaches, and in many cases, our coaches are educators who extend their roles and teach outside the classroom. The experience is valuable for both teacher and students, as the time spent together leads to much more meaningful relationships.
Every moment that students spend at practices and games, trying their hardest to become the best they can be, teacher-coaches are right there doing the same thing. They plan and push all season, giving students the support to power through even the toughest games.
The competition and struggle is mutually felt, and the best moments for athletes are shared with the coaches. In an environment outside of the classroom, teacher-coaches are able to witness a different side of students and work on developing skills that they wouldn’t necessarily be able to otherwise.
In the stories below, you’ll get a glimpse into the athletic careers of both WHS athletes and coaches alike. The range of sports, the number of years of involvement, and the people interviewed are all meant to showcase the diversity of our school’s undeniably incredible sports program.
–May 25, 2016–