“X-Men: Days of Future Past” has history, Jennifer Lawrence on its side

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique is the X-factor in "Days of Future Past".

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique is the X-factor in “Days of Future Past”.

     This Friday, May 23, people all over America will have a chance to see “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” the seventh movie in the franchise, and one that is promised to bridge together the old trilogy started in 2000 and the 2011 reboot and answer any lingering questions fans might have.

     I can most assuredly say that promise is delivered.  

     If your looking for a summer blockbuster the likes of the “Avengers” with huge action sequences that are a feast for the eyes, “X-Men” has it. But it also has history.

     This film felt like it was 14 years in the making. You won’t have to scratch your head wondering how did the world come to this point, because it was a conclusion in the making all the way back from the first film in 2000. In that regard, you don’t have to questions the characters’ actions because you know their motivations. (And, if not, they are soon explained).

     Rest assured that no actor or character was wasted in the making of this movie. Director Bryan Singer did a fantastic job giving every character that right amount of screen time and things to do so that they never felt lacking. Each actor did a wonderful job portraying their character in a way that you never had to question their actions.

     The incredible visuals are a feast for the eyes and the engaging story captivating for the heart. However, the movie does not need to be seen in 3-D.

     The movie is PG-13, which is about right. There are a few flashes of Hugh Jackman’s rear property for a second and there is some swearing.

     I have to give kudos to the writer and directors and, of course, Jennifer Lawrence for taking the character of Mystique — a B-class villain in the comics and plot device in the original trilogy — and making her into a pivotal and sympathetic character without changing the story, Lawrence as Mystique kicked more butt than Katniss every could.

      Watching “X-Men: Days of Future Past” is a wonderful way to spend two-plus hours. 

     P.S. Don’t forget to stay after the credits.

–May 22, 2014–