Musicians needed for Watertown MusicFest

Friends of Watertown Music looking for acts for eighth annual event, slated for March 22 at WMS

Anais Markwood, Raider Times staff

Do you have a band? Enjoy performing solo? Are you looking for a place to play music? An enthusiastic audience? Would you like to help out your community? Enjoy listening to music of all kinds?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Watertown MusicFest is the place for you!

This year will mark the eighth year of the festival, which is organized and run by Friends of Watertown Music, a non-profit group that works to support the music program in the Watertown Public Schools. Watertown MusicFest is an opportunity for the community to come together in support of music and the arts.

Watertown MusicFest will be held Friday, March 22, from 5:30-9:30 pm at Watertown Middle School. All proceeds from the fest will go to Friends of Watertown Music, which will help students throughout the district to achieve their musical dreams.

Whether you are interested in performing, want to enjoy some live music, or simply want to sample the pizza and tasty baked goods, Watertown MusicFest is a fun-filled event. Musicians of all ages will perform in four rooms throughout the night, so there’s plenty of performances to choose from.

In the cafeteria, an instrument petting zoo will be held in the early part of the evening so that anyone can come and see what it’s like to play an instrument. This feature is especially helpful for parents in the district who are looking to have their child play an instrument in the future, as it is a casual way for kids to try out as many instruments as they want.

If you are interested in participating in Watertown MusicFest, you can register at All registrations must be in by Tuesday, March 12. If you would like to volunteer to help with anything — such as set-up, the petting zoo, or the refreshments table — you can send an email to

Spread the word to anyone who you think would be interested in performing, volunteering, or simply listening — the more the merrier!

–Feb. 22, 2019–