Time for a different kind of school play

Remote auditions on Oct. 2 for Watertown High’s fall play, “The Crucible” — to be put together completely online

"The Crucible" will be the fall play at Watertown High School -- though it will be performed completely online.

Raider Times photo / Courtesy of the Arthur Miller Society

“The Crucible” will be the fall play at Watertown High School — though it will be performed completely online.

Sid Hackett, Raider Times staff

This year has been completely different than anything we’ve seen before. Not only has this pandemic had an impact on school, sports, and life in general, but it will also have an impact on Watertown High’s fall play, “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller

If you are not aware, “The Crucible” is a play about the Salem Witch Trials in the 1690s.

“One of the reasons I really wanted to do this play was because the 11th-grade teachers teach this subject,” said Kacie Kirkpatrick, the director of this show. “I thought this would be a really cool way to get the school community involved.”

Though this play will look much different than plays we’ve seen at WHS in the past, the show must go on, and it has been adapted to the current climate that we are living in.

“We’re doing the play on Zoom, which is very different from anything we’ve ever done before,” says Ms. Kirkpatrick.

WHS will do it all online, something very different than anything done before at the school, said Ms. Kirkpatrick.

 “What we’re going to try to do is record parts of it on Zoom, piece by piece, and then put it together in a full video,” she said.

Since the show will be recorded remotely, it will be available to anyone anywhere to watch .

The rehearsals will be similar … almost. 

“The rehearsals will be on Zoom after school. Not every day, but a couple of times a week after school,” she said. “If some kids feel comfortable, I might try to do a once-a-week rehearsal under the tents with masks on, 6 feet apart, and under 10 people, but that’s still up in the air.

“And it’s important to note that if kids want to do the show and aren’t comfortable meeting in person, that’s OK, too,” she said. “So, if you are looking for a fun way to spend your time after school, this play is perfect. But in order to be in the show, you must audition for your role.”

The next auditions will be Friday, Oct. 2. In order to sign up for an audition, students  must fill out an audition form, which can be found in the morning announcements. If students can not make the audition, they should contact Ms. Kirkpatrick (kacie.kirkpatrick@watertown.k12.ma.us).

“When someone wants to audition, they will have to fill out an audition form online, and then when I get their name I’ll send them a Zoom link, and they’ll just audition with me on Zoom,” she said. “Also, keep in mind that since we are living in such a crazy time, these things are subject to change. We don’t know if restrictions will be different by the time the play or rehearsals start, so many things are still up in the air.

“We’re losing so much, and we’ve lost so much as a community, with not being able to be in school together, and not being able to do our activities in a normal way because it’s such a crazy time. So I’m just hoping that we can keep art alive, and keep the show going on for all of the kids involved.” 

For WHS students who are into theater, or if they just want to try out something new, be sure to audition for this awesome play. 

“And I’m really excited to work with some talented kids,” said Ms. Kirkpatrick.

–Oct. 1, 2020–