Watertown shovels out from big storm
Reporters and photographers from the Cunniff Kids News, Watertown Splash, and Raider Times share experiences from snowstorm and freeze-out
January 7, 2018
Reporters and photographers from the Cunniff Kids News, Watertown Splash, and Raider Times school newspapers went out after the January 2018 snowstorm and freeze-out and shared their experiences together for their readers in the photo gallery (above) and the stories (below).
(Debora Kalemi, Cunniff Kids News staff)
What a great couple of snow days I had. Do you know why?
On Thursday, I celebrated my ninth birthday! We decorated an ice cream cake with frosting and sprinkles!

Scenes following the Jan. 4 snowstorm from in and around Watertown, Mass.
Do you now that in my language, Debora means “snow” and that’s why I love having snow storms or blizzards on my birthday. I also love that I could play in the white soft and fluffy snow.
We played as a family outside on the snow. As my dad was shoveling, I climbed up on a big snow hill an waited till the wind blew me out. It was so windy, but I loved it!
It was very, very cold and I could not really enjoy a lot of playing outside, but maybe if the temp will be little higher soon. My mom promised me I could go sledding at the Lowell School.

Scenes following the Jan. 4 snowstorm from in and around Watertown, Mass.
(Ben Fandetti, Raider Times staff)
Snow days are a blessing and a curse. Sure they get you a day or two off school, but at the end of all of it you still have to make up that time at the end of the year.
Some people just stay home and do nothing (which is one of my favorite activities), but these past couple of snow days me and a couple of my friends, George, Jafiah, and David decided to shovel for money.

Scenes following the Jan. 4 snowstorm from in and around Watertown, Mass.
The snow was pretty steep, so we had our work cut out for us. Thankfully, we came prepared and brought two snowblowers. George and David were on the snowblowers, and me and Jafiah were using shovels. With all our combined efforts, we managed to clear out six houses and make a total of $515, and we each got $128 after dividing it all out.
Snow days are a great way to make money and also a great way to be super lazy. I really had a fun time hanging with my friends while doing something different than what we usually do. From now on, I’ll always ask these guys to come out with me and shovel snow when the opportunity arises.
— WHS–

Scenes following the Jan. 4 snowstorm from in and around Watertown, Mass.
–Jan. 7, 2018–