WHS clubs and activities excited for new students to join
September 20, 2021
There are dozens of clubs, groups, organizations, and activities in and around Watertown High — including some new ones in 2021! — and they are all looking for students to join them!
To help WHS students learn more about the extracurriculars, here below is information sent in by some of the advisers and organizers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact them.
Yearbook Club
What we do: Make the Watertown High School yearbook: take pictures, create pages, run polls etc.
When: Thursdays after school; more as deadlines approach.
Meetings: We spend this time working on the yearbook. We meet in the Mac Lab!
Highlights: At the end, you have a physical reminder of your time in high school and get to feel very proud of it!
Contact: Ms. Mundy at elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Drama productions
What we do: Practice and perform the different aspects of the show we put on in either the fall and/or spring. Fall play will be Nov. 19-20.
Meetings: WHS auditorium.
Fall play: Informational meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 3:15 p.m.
Fall play auditions: Tuesday, Sept. 28, and Thursday, Sept. 30, at 3:15 p.m.
Highlights: Get to be a part of the school play/musical as either an actor or as part of the stage crew.
Contact: Robin Wilson is the director: robin.wilson@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Future Focused Club
What we do: Talk/share about future plans after high school/college, community service, and use guidance resources to prepare for college!
When: Wednesday mornings at 7:50 a.m.
Meetings: Gather in the Lecture Hall and talk about the topic for the day.
Highlights: Open to all students under senior year and is a great way to start meetings with guidance and thinking about your future. Also great to talk about what to do next concerning classes and college applications.
Contact: Adrienne Eaton at adrienne.eaton@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Presidents: Catherine Fleming (caflem271@watertown.k12.ma.us) and Lara Kebabjian (lakeba618@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Adviser: Adrienne Eaton at adrienne.eaton@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Feminist Coalition (FemCo)
What we do: We come to together and talk about current events relating to feminism. It is a very laid-back environment, and there is no pressure to talk, you can always just listen. Sometimes we have food or fun little activities to do, but for the most part it’s usually just an open discussion about whatever has caught our eye in the news.
When: Our first meeting will be Tuesday morning, Sept. 21, and we will see what meeting times work best for everyone going forward!
Meetings: Meetings can range from 20 minutes to an hour depending on how the discussion is going. You can stop by for the whole meeting, or pop in whenever is convenient.
Highlights: It’s a very supportive, judgement-free zone that is open to anyone who wants to join. We work with several organizations that support women in different facets of their life (GHP and SafeBAE). We have a feminine hygiene drive, and a very active Instagram where we post about different notable women. Hopefully, as the year goes forward, we will have more opportunities to meet with notable women and be active in the community.
Instagram: @watertownfeministcoalition.
Google Classroom: FPKOF66.
Contact: Contact faculty adviser Elizabeth Mundy at elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us.
WHS Book Club
What we do: Students pick books to read and discuss together.
Meetings: We usually meet once each month in the library.
Highlights: You get to keep the books we read!
Contact: Adviser Erin Piazza can be reached by email (erin.piazza@watertown.k12.ma.us) or you can find her in the library.
Music Creation Club
Room: 236
Time: Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Cost: Free
About: A home for creative writers, rappers, singers, poets, beatmakers, and so much more! All students are welcome! Learn to create music or just hang out and enjoy some positive energy
Contact: Fabian Rivera at Fabian.Rivera@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Dance Club
What we do: This is an open club, welcome to anyone wanting to explore different styles of dance, while meeting new people.
Meetings: Every Monday after school at 3:15 p.m. in the WHS auditorium.
Contact: Robin Wilson is the adviser (robin.wilson@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Young Progressives Club
What we do: Have respectful conversations and/or lessons about current political events while munching on bagels.
When: Once every two weeks, day TBD.
Meetings: Open conversation between students with some occasional short videos.
Highlights: Have bagels every meeting (that are free), host an annual voter registration drive, and we get really cool opportunities (some members went to the NH primary in 2020).
Contact: Meet in Elizabeth Mundy’s room. You can contact her at elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us or Sabrina Lopez at salope056@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Watertown Robotics Team
What we do: Design, build, and program robots to compete with teams from around the world, no experience required!
When: Fall is our offseason for creative projects. Competition season starts in January.
Meetings: Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in Room 153.
Highlights: Cheering on our robot at competitions, building prototypes in the machine shop, and sharing team dinners.
Instagram: @kwarqs2423
Contact: Email join@team2423.org for info.
Word Painter
What we do: The Word Painter is the student art and literary magazine at Watertown High.
When: We usually publish 2-3 editions a year.
Meetings: Usually Tuesdays in Room 351. tudents are encouraged to submit work at any time.
Highlights: The Word Painter includes short stories, poetry, drawings, photographs, paintings, and graphic arts. It’s a great place for student artists and writers to display their work.
Contact: See Malcolm Cooke in Room 351 if you’re interested or email at Malcolm.Cooke@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Comic, Graphic Novel, and Animation Club
What we do: The Comic, Graphic Novel, and Animation Club meets bi-weekly week on Thursday afternoons, starting the week of Sept. 23, through the duration of the academic year. Our discussion/film viewings revolve around the appreciation of the richness of comic art from America, Japan, and other cultures, as well as an appreciation for significant “pop culture” fandoms that have paved the way for the medium of big-budget comic films that we enjoy today. Critiquing and connecting what we look at are a big part of the club, just as the social interaction between individuals with a variety of interests in this medium is.
When: Bi-weekly, starting Sept. 23, at 3:05 p.m. Typically, meetings end by 5 p.m., but can run later.
Meetings: Students gather to discuss noteworthy items in the mediums of comics, film, anime, manga, and animation. Typically we discuss anime or comic-related film media, or quietly read/peruse comics or important graphic novels, and get pizza while students are enjoying the meeting. Students are encouraged to connect with the Raider Times if they wish to write a review of a comic, movie, or graphic novel they enjoy.
Contact: Adviser Mike Boyd at michael.boyd@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Recommended reading: Infinite Frontier by Josua WIlliamson and Xermanico; Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King and Bilquis Evely; Iron Man by Christopher Cantwell and Cafu; Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters by Charles Soule and Luke Ross; Black Panther: The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Daniel Acuna; Batman/Catwoman by Tom King and Clay Mann; Shang-Chi by Gene Luen Yang and Dike Ruan; The Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley and Co.; Batman: Reptilian by Garth Ennis and Liam Sharp; Crossover by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw; Department of Truth by Tom Taylor and Martin Simonds; King Spawn by Sean Lewis and Javier Fernandez.
Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
What we do: Students become involved in promoting and celebrating LGBTQ equality through activism, fund-raising, and events. We welcome all students to join, regardless of identity!
When: Meetings are every Tuesday before school at 7:50 a.m., and events are planned during the year.
Highlights: Movie nights, bake sales, GSA Instagram (coming soon!), Pride Month activities.
Contact: Room 317. Adviser is Sean Morris (sean.morris@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Raider Times newspaper
What we do: Students produce stories and photos for the Raider Times website and print editions.
When: Website is always up 24/7/365, so stories can be published any time. Printed paper is published 2-3 a school year.
Meetings: Students work independently; occasional in-school staff meetings; many opportunities for outside and projects.
Highlights: Working on the newspaper affords students opportunities to have their voices be heard by readers all over the world, all while meeting interesting people doing interesting things. … Open to all students … No experience necessary … No costs or fees.
Contact: The newspaper room is 345A. Email adviser John Vitti at john.vitti@watertown.k12.ma.us.
–Sept. 20, 2021–