Picture yourself helping create the Watertown High yearbook

Maria Vasques, Raider Times staff

Contrary to popular belief, any student can help create the yearbook at Watertown High School.

According to Elizabeth Mundy, the Yearbook adviser, no special editing skills are needed, nor do you have to be great at graphic design.

“You also don’t need to have that ‘school spirit’ either — just come have some fun,” she says. 

To those who haven’t had the opportunity to meet the Yearbook Club, Ms. Mundy explained a lot of it: “We settle in, everybody logs in to their computers, we assign papers. For example one person puts together field hockey, one puts soccer together, another does football.”

The participants have individual tasks assigned to them as they work together for one common goal.

“Essentially they choose which photos are the most fun or which photo the person would enjoy seeing of themselves the most,” she says.

A lot of editing goes on during their encounters, too.

“They fill any texts that need to be filled in, start on another page, or wait until the next time,” she says. “Our meetings are usually based on either the graphic design portion or choosing photos.”

Ms. Mundy shared the strategies used in order to promote the yearbook within the Watertown community.

“Although I haven’t done much with that recently, I like to give the town’s library a copy so they can promote it to the public and some years the students will go and ask public businesses to promote the yearbook with ads,” she says.

She said it is also common for the participants of the club to not want any type of advertisement in their yearbook. 

“Most students would rather have no ads because they already see ads everywhere. Radio, TV, the internet, and social media; they’re everywhere and shouldn’t be on the yearbook. Although it is nice to get local businesses involved because they get donations,” she says with a laugh. “Pros and cons, I guess.” 

It is no secret that the past two years have been incredibly turbulent, and that has affected one very special tradition at Watertown High.

“With a couple of exceptions of recent years because of COVID, my favorite part would be the seniors’ slideshow. They get their yearbook, eat some ice cream, and then sign [their classmates’ yearbooks].”

Ms. Mundy shared how rewarding it feels to be a part of that experience after working so hard on the yearbook with these people. Because of the pandemic, they’ve had to mail it over the summer with no treats. 

The one thing Ms. Mundy wishes everyone knew about the yearbook club is that you actually don’t have to be there every week.

“You don’t have to come to every meeting, just some meetings, but when students don’t show up constantly it is difficult to make progress. 

“And anybody can do it. You don’t have to be artistic, you don’t have to be great at graphic design, and you don’t need to have that ‘school spirit’ — just come have some fun.”

This club promises a lot of fun for all students at Watertown High, no experience needed. For more information, send them in an email to elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us.

–Nov. 22, 2021–