
Raider Times photo / Anna Lonergan / Word Painter

Nothing will ever 

Compare to the frivolous

Times when minds were  bare….


Imagine trying to 


A world full of hate.

With fools who negate

Any attempts to think 

straight. And who emulate 

People with ill intent

Without their consent;

Celebrities whose 

arrogance is contagious

Presidents who will stay

infamous throughout the  ages

Public figures who claim 

to have our best interest 

in mind, but regard us like 

empty pages


Where life is a dystopia

With a cornucopia 

Of lies in disguise

That give rise

To emotions undefined

Which decimate the 

entirety of mankind;

Claims that there is still

a glimmer of the possibility

Of a universe that can 

exceed its longevity

With a mutually beneficial system

That celebrates and 

encourages everyone 

in its kingdom.


Imagine a life 

stripped of flaws

Where the only  law

Is to never let the 

storm of immaculacy thaw.


Never be deceived

By people who only 

want to please.

They will impede

On your ability to succeed.

And subject you to their greed.


Take the incessant 

students who will 

not accept a mistake,


The athletes who 

only care 

about how much people 

are willing to have them paid,

The child who only craves attention,

The friend who is kind only 

for the sake of convention.


Perhaps in another life,

This precarious spark

will be blown out.

But here, it is only

dissolved by a suffocating 

flow of water strife,

With nothing but the past to tout.


Like a daughter engorged 

with naivety

Who never could have  imagined

A world where all 

people care about is 

wealth and popularity.

Pretty soon, she’ll  forget that the good 

times ever happened.


Impenetrable the odds may be

That breaking all 

bonds will set you free.


Instead you will be left, you see,

Being indubitably 

hollowed by these 

selfish needs.


Like an animal battling a brutal storm

You are left with no choice but to swarm

Everything you have left;

Exhaust your options until 

you’ve reached a debt;


Depleted yourself of all you hold dear;

The undying love of our 

graceful God,

Hope that our 

masterpieces will never be 

subjected to fraud,

Faith that we have some

thing left that can’t be sawed.

Just to satisfy something engineered.

Societal standards that demand perfection on all fronts,

That will leave you in a depressed spiral for months.

All of this hassle for a mere

Moment of your life not 

stricken with fear–


Of rejection. 

Whether it’s for your complexion,


Or something else looked 

down upon in our dominion.


Absolutely inconceivable

Is the reality we are left to comprehend,

And incredibly feeble

Are the reserves of 

righteousness we can still 



Don’t succumb to the

fallibility of man.

Instead transcend life.


(Published March 2022)