WHS actors to take turn — literally! — in “Les Miserables” this weekend

Ten WHS students part of Watertown Children’s Theatre production of Broadway classic Nov. 20-22

Kira Peterson, Raider Times staff

    Looking for something fun and entertaining to do the weekend before Thanksgiving? Buy a ticket to Watertown Children’s Theatre’s production of “Les Miserables,” the  Broadway classic that’ll make you laugh, cry, and think. 

    Ten of the show’s actors are Watertown High students, making up one-sixth of the 60-actor cast.

    WCT’s rendition of this beloved musical at Arsenal Center for the Arts is on its way to equaling the greatness of the broadway show: even the set, a centered around a circular, moving platform called a revolve, mirrors that of the original production.

Meghan Kenny of the WCT is very excited about the upcoming performances.

“Directing and producing ‘Les Miserables: School Edition’ with such a devoted, talented group of performers has been an incredible process,” she said. “I hope that the power, love, and dedication these performers have put into their performances might encourage all of us to find strength in our own voices.”

    Cast members are saying that “Les Mis is suiting up to be a great show, with an experienced cast dealing with meaningful concepts,” and “It’ll be anything but a miserable performance!”

    Catch this incredible musical at the Arsenal Center for the Arts, Friday, Nov. 20, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 21, at 2  p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Nov. 22, at 2 p.m. It’ll be the best $15 you spend this fall!

    (For more information or to buy tickets, go to the Watertown Children’s Theatre website at http://www.watertownchildrenstheatre.org/.)

–Nov. 18, 2015–