Bake sale helps buy medical supplies a world away
Armenian Club at Watertown High in fifth year of Armenia Medical Care Project
January 19, 2017
The Armenian Club at Watertown High School is in its fifth year of fund-raising for the Armenia Medical Care Project. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, we have been raising money to pay for doctors and medicine and exams for villagers in Armenia who otherwise may never see a doctor during their lifetime.
We also collect clothing for distribution to the villagers. Any clothes of reusable quality are accepted. The medical exams and the clothes distribution take place during our summer vacation.
The week before December vacation, we had an Armenian appetizer sale and we raised $450. This small amount will pay for two doctors to each work for three full days in one village! Our future fund-raisers will pay for the medicines, lab tests, X-rays, and sonograms.
Since we undertook this project several years ago, we have helped five villages. If we can raise enough money this year, we would like to provide medical care to two villages this summer, instead of just one.
Special thanks to Seta Sullivan for preparing all of the appetizers that were sold during the appetizer fund-raiser. They were absolutely delicious! Mrs. Sullivan also donated all of the ingredients, so that 100 percent of the funds raised went to the medical fund.
We would also like to thank very much those staff members who either bought the appetizers or made donations to the medical fund.
(To learn more about the Armenian Club at Watertown High School, or to donate money to help purchase medical supplies, please contact Sonia Tamakian at