Watertown High clubs have something for everyone
Singing? Science? Service? There’s an appealing selection of groups for any WHS student to join
The Environmental Club is one of the more than two dozen groups, teams, and organizations available for students to join in and around Watertown High School.
October 2, 2014
The conversations can be heard in the hallways of Watertown High School. The words are laced with blatant disbelief and accompanied by slightly confused expressions.
“Wait, you do what?” “That’s a club?” “I never even knew that was an option.”
If that sounds anything like what you have heard or said, the Raider Times is here to help.
There are dozens of clubs, groups, and teams in and around Watertown High, and now, at the beginning of the school year, they are all looking for students to join them.
So save yourself the confusion and check out some of what WHS is offering. Needless to say, it’s never too late to start participating. Why not today?
WHS Animal Rights Club
(“Fish are friends, not food”)
What we do: We are committed to protecting, defending, and respecting animals. We meet to discuss how to help larger organizations, such as animal shelters or farm sanctuaries, protect animals. We are also learning about and educating the student population about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.
When: We meet Tuesdays at 7:20 a.m. in Room 333.
Meetings: Meetings are devoted to planning activities and completing projects (such as collecting donations, organizing bake sales, and discussing ways to spread to word of our cause).
Highlights: During the 2013-2014 school year, we raised money for the Farm Sanctuary for rescue turkeys, convinced other organizations to stop their Turkey Toss during Thanksgiving, helped institute Meatless Mondays at WHS (working in conjunction with the Food Services Coordinator), visited the Boston Animal Rescue League, collected donations for the shelter, and held vegan bake sales to educate others and to raise money for the Farm Sanctuary.
Contact: Beth Wissler is the faculty adviser for the club. She can be reached at elizabeth.wissler@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Badminton Club
What we do: All are welcome for some informal, but sometimes preposterously competitive, badminton. All skill levels are welcome, and faculty members are encouraged to make cameos.
When: We meet weekly, but the day varies based on gym availability.
Contact: Ask Mr. MacLaughlin (william.maclaughlin@watertown.k12.ma.us) or Ms. Boudreau (annmarie.boudreau@watertown.k12.ma.us) about the upcoming schedule.
Book Club
What we do: The club picks a new book to read each month, and meets once per month to talk about it. Books are provided to club members at no cost.
When: Thursdays after school, but days may shift.
Contact: See Ms. Piazza (erin.piazza@watertown.k12.ma.us) in the library if you’re interested in joining!
Environmental Club
Do you want to help make sure our school keeps recycling in the classrooms and the cafeteria? Would you like to work outside creating compost for the garden in our courtyard? Join the Environmental Club! We are working to make our school more efficient and environmentally friendly. We meet every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in Room 152. See you there!
Contact: Email Ms. MacDonald (jennifer.macdonald@watertown.k12.ma.us) if you’re interested.
Fall Play and Spring Musical
What we do: The Fall Play and Spring Musical performances feature work onstage and off by a diverse group of students at WHS. The drama program is inclusive and welcomes all students, including those who wish to perform and those who do not. We need actors, singers, directors, designers, and craftspeople.
When: Fall Play meetings primarily happen on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Other rehearsals are held according to the schedules of students.
Highlights: More than 60 students participate in the drama program at WHS, from freshmen to seniors, and at all skill levels. It is a great place to make friends and get involved in a low-pressure, fun environment, with many leadership opportunities available to students.
Contact: For more info, see the drama callboard at the top of the stairs by the cafeteria, stop by the auditorium, or speak to Ms. Peters (bethpetersboston@gmail.com), Ms. Riling (meghan.riling@watertown.k12.ma.us), or Mr. Wulf (daniel.wulf@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Gay-Straight Alliance
Mission: Members of GSA believe that all members of the WHS community — with a special emphasis on those who identify as LGBTQ — should be accepted and supported in our school and, ideally, the world at large, and that no person should be judged negatively for their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Meetings: Every Wednesday at 7:20 a.m. in Room 321. We have doughnuts!
Special events: GLSEN Conference in Boston, Youth Pride Parade in Boston, Day of Silence, LGBTQ-themed movie nights.
To join: Show up to a meeting!
Contact: Mr. Meuret (david.meuret@watertown.k12.ma.us) or Ms. Riling (meghan.riling@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Global Youth Alliance
Mission: This newly formed club (formerly Invisible Children) would like to organize fundraisers and public-awareness programs to support charities and NGO’s that work in service of youth locally, and all around the world.
Meetings: Most likely on Friday mornings.
Why join? Participants will have a chance to make an impact on the lives of young people around the world, doing things such as improving educational opportunities, health care, and human rights.
Contact: Mr. Buck (Room 254 or james.buck@watertown.k12.ma.us) or Rebecca Hellman and Tina Touri (Class of 2015).
What: The purpose of I.D.S. is to create an open and unique atmosphere where students can study, socialize, contribute to the community through charity work and political and social activism, and promote the ideas of tolerance, equality, and respect for one’s self and others.
When: Members meet informally before and after school, eat lunch together in the I.D.S. Commons (Room 324), and occasionally plan community events during and after school. Membership in I.D.S. isn’t exclusive; the group is open to the entire student body — without exceptions — to all those who embrace its ideals.
Contact: Interested students should stop by the I.D.S. room (located near the central staircase on the third floor) before or after school to meet with a student leader who can get them signed up.
Pride Committee
What we do: The Pride Committee is bringing school spirit back to Watertown High! With the help of Mr. Allegro and Ms. Morgan, the Pride Committee is in charge of several school events, running pep rallies, decorating the gym, managing Spirit Week and each day’s theme. This club also fund-raises to help various charities and events.
When: Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in the Tri area.
Contact: Ms. Morgan (rachel.morgan@watertown.k12.ma.us) or Mr. Allegro (andrew.allegro@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Raider Times Newspaper
What we do: Students report and write stories for Raider Times website (https://raidertimes.com/) and print editions. Students serve as writers, reporters, artists, and photographers, and are also in charge of layout, design, and business operations.
When: The website is always up, so stories can be published any time. Printed paper is published four times a school year.
Meetings: Students work independently; occasional in-school staff meetings.
Highlights: Working on the newspaper affords students opportunities to have their voices be heard all over the world. Student reporters have met people from all walks, ranging from class presidents to candidates for the US presidency, Academy Award winners to the leads in the school play. Open to all students. No costs or fees.
Contact: John Vitti serves as adviser. He can be best reached at (john.vitti@watertown.k12.ma.us.)
WHS Science Team
What we do: Compete in the North Shore Science League (NSSL northshorescienceleague.org) each month (for seven months) starting in October. Students sign up for an event with up to three other students and build/study in preparation of the meet. We travel to other schools and compete against approximately 30 other North Shore schools.
When: Competitions are the second Tuesday of each month; events are available one month in advance to prepare. The first meet is Oct. 14, 2014.
Meetings: Students/groups work independently in preparation for a meet. Advisers are available for consultation as needed.
Highlights: We compete in all areas of science, including events such as Instant Invention, Subatomic Particles, and Endangered Species. Open to all students. Club fee applies if not in a sport ($25).
Contact: Mr. Rose (matthew.rose@watertown.k12.ma.us), Ms. Makosky (amanda.makosky@watertown.k12.ma.us), or Mr. Duggan (charles.duggan@watertown.k12.ma.us). Sign-ups posted outside of rooms 214 and 217.
Service Club
What we do: The Service Club strives to give back to the community. Students in the Service Club have successfully organized the Thanksgiving Basket Drive at Watertown High, and also go on an annual trip to Rosie’s Place, where students and teachers prepare and serve lunch to Boston’s women in need. In the past, the Service Club has fundraised by selling student-made blankets, hosting bake sales, and running a car wash in the rear parking lot. This year, the Service Club is trying to bring back the Habitat for Humanity trip for seniors.
Contact: Ms. Camp (nicole.camp@watertown.k12.ma.us) or Ms. Leonard (jaime.leonard@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Social Butterflies and Social Network
What: The goal of Social Butterflies (for WHS girls) and the Social Network (for WHS boys) is to create opportunities for students to come together with peers and make connections, create friendships, and participate in meaningful volunteer and social activities.
Highlight: For the past three years, students from these groups have gone to Camp Sunshine in Maine, a camp for families of children with special needs and life-threatening illnesses. They have volunteered a weekend of their time and they have found it to be a rewarding and wonderful experience.
Contact: Jess Davletshin (jessica.davletshin@watertown.k12.ma.us), Amanda Makosky (amanda.makosky@watertown.k12.ma.us), Graham Madden (graham.madden@watertown.k12.ma.us), and Michelle Fallon (michelle.fallon@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Swim Team (Watertown Wavemakers)
What: Participants work on their swim technique and endurance, and compete in meets on Saturdays. Open to swimmers age 7-18.
When: Practice Monday-Friday at the Watertown Boys and Girls Club. Attendance is mandatory twice a week. Swim meets are on Saturdays starting in late October.
Highlights: Being a member of the Boys and Girls Club team looks great on college applications, and is really good exercise, while being a lot of fun.
Contact: Head coach Bonnie Flink at (watbgcdeveau@aol.com.)
Television and Broadcasting
What we do: Looking for students interested in covering Watertown High School events (athletics, dramas, meetings, etc). Students need not be currently enrolled in WHS Digital Media & Communications classes.
When: Games, activities, and events are happening year round and we would like students to broadcast them from their perspective.
Meetings: Students work independently; occasionally meeting with adviser and staff for training, content development, and planning.
Highlights: You can be “The Voice” of WHS, by broadcasting the biggest sporting events, dramas, music events for the community to watch both on WCA-TV and worldwide on the Internet. Positions as on-air announcers and off-air technical positions are available immediately.
Contact: Mr. Robbins serves as Digital Media & Communications teacher/adviser. He can be best reached at todd.robbins@watertown.k12.ma.us. For more information, visit his website: http://www.mrrobbinsdmc.com
Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leaders
What: Do you want to help influence positive choice-making for teens in the Watertown area while eating pizza and earning community service just for attending the meetings? Join WYC!
Meetings: We meet Tuesdays after school in the Tri area and are open to new people any time during the year, so don’t be shy!
Contact: For info, contact WYC advisor Sarah Berkowitz (sara_berkowitz@waysideyouth.org).
Writers Ink (Writing Club)
What we do: Students do creative writing and organize coffeehouses at school so students can share their writing, singing, or music with an audience.
When: Weekly in Room 351.
Highlights: Writers Ink gives students an opportunity to express themselves in a small group, to write creatively, and to showcase their writing and musical talents in quarterly performances. Open to all WHS students.
Contact: Malcolm Cooke is the adviser. He can be found in Room 351 or reached at malcolm.cooke@watertown.k12.ma.us.
What we do: Design and distribute the yearbook. Our goal this year is to get more underclassmen involved so that we can have a full-school yearbook.
When: Three deadlines over the year, and yearbook distribution in June.
Meetings: More around deadlines, bimonthly check- ins.
Highlights: Having the yearbook at the end of the year and having everybody compliment it!
Contact: Adviser Elizabeth Mundy (elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us).
–Oct. 1, 2014–