WHS clubs ready to get started
From Animal Rights to Yearbook, WHS students have many extracurricular options
September 24, 2015
There are dozens of clubs, groups, and organizations in and around Watertown High — including at least three new ones this September. And they are all looking for students to join them.
To help WHS students learn more about them, the annual WHS Extracurricular Activity/Club Fair will take place Friday, Sept. 25, during all three lunches in the TRI area.
Here below is other information sent in by some of the WHS’s club advisers and organizers. hopefully, WHS students can find activities that are right for them!
Photography Club
Do you enjoy expressing yourself through photography? If so, consider joining the new WHS Photography Club. You will have the opportunity to share and discuss your photographs, explore and create original works of digital art with Adobe Photoshop, work in the darkroom with chemical processing, collaborate on group projects and create public displays. The first meeting will take place Thursday, Sept. 24, in Room 172 at 2:45 p.m. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Dressler.
Drama Club
The Drama Club will be meeting every other Monday from 2:40 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 346. The first regular meeting will be Monday, Oct. 5. For information, email Jessica Depamphilis at jessica.depamphilis@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Animal Rights Club
Welcome to the Animal Rights Club. We do such fun things including, but not limited to collecting, donating for, and visiting animal shelters; promoting a vegetarian lifestyle; advocating and informing about animal rights; and much more. We meet Tuesday mornings at 7:20 a.m. in Room 333. Come to our meetings for a groovy time! Any questions, please email either club president Sasha Helfner at sahelf449@watertown.k12.ma.us or club adviser Ms. Wissler at elizabeth.wissler@watertown.k12.ma.us .
Yearbook Club
What we do: We gather pictures from students for the yearbook, then spend time doing graphic design to create it. We also organize events and photographers as well as distribute the yearbooks.
When: Yearbook meets once a month with a lot of email correspondence. When deadlines approach, the meetings increase.
Meetings: As a group, we decide what we want in the yearbook and assign pages to people. Tasks are given out and must be met by the next meeting.
Highlights: This is your senior yearbook and you get to design it! Then everybody compliments you once they receive it, and compliments are great.
Contact: Ms. Mundy, Room 112, elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us
Feminist Coalition
What we do: Talk about what feminism means to us and help other people learn what it is! Promote discussion and acceptance!
When: Every Thursday after school in Ms. Mundy’s room, 112.
Meetings: Meetings are discussion-based. Sometimes we watch movies or video clips and discuss them. Sometimes we create poster campaigns for the school. Last year, we created a zine and spent a lot of time putting it together and distributing it.
Highlights: This is a very welcoming group that seeks to educate people about what it means to be a feminist! Plus we do a lot of creative things while having fun discussions and are always willing to try new things.
Contact: Ms. Mundy, Room 112, elizabeth.mundy@watertown.k12.ma.us or Ms. Riling, Room 321, meghan.riling@watertown.k12.ma.us
Comic, Graphic Novel, and Animation Club
What we do: Our discussion/film viewings revolve around the appreciation of the richness of comic art from America, Japan, and other cultures, as well as an appreciation for culturally significant “pop culture” artifacts that have paved the way for the medium of big-budget comic films that we enjoy today. Critiquing and connecting what we look at are a big part of the club, just as the social interaction between individuals with a variety of interests in this medium is.
When: Each Friday, starting Sept. 25, from 2:35-3:30 p.m. in Room 258.
Meetings: Students gather to discuss new and noteworthy items in the medium, typically watch and discuss anime or comic-related film media, or quietly read/peruse comics or important graphic novels — and occasionally get pizza and soft drinks while students are enjoying the meeting.
Highlights: It is encouraged that students open themselves to the realms of art and literature as one while looking through the realms of comics, animation, and films based on the medium as something that is not only for children, but not mostly for children. Another central point is for students to learn and appreciate how some of the best written comic art mirrors our reality with social commentary and subtext. Most importantly, the club stresses that even as you are growing, you should never lose sight of the things you enjoyed as a child.
Contact: Mike Boyd, adviser, at Michael.boyd@watertown.k12.ma.us
Global Youth Alliance
What we would like to do: This club would like to organize fund-raisers and public awareness programs to support charities and NGO’s that work in service of youth locally and all around the world.
Meetings Most likely on Friday mornings
Why join? Participants will have a chance to make a real impact on the lives of young people like yourselves all around the world, doing things such as improving educational opportunities, health care, and human rights for others.
Contact: Mr. Buck (Room 254),
Television and broadcasting
What we do: Looking for students interested in covering WHS events (athletics, arts, meetings, etc.) Students do not need to be currently enrolled in WHS Digital Media & Communications classes.
When: Games, activities, and events are happening year round and we would like students to broadcast them with their perspective.
Meetings: Students work independently; occasionally meeting with adviser and staff for training, content development, and planning.
Highlights: You can be “The Voice” of WHS, by broadcasting the biggest events for the entire community to watch both on WCA-TV and worldwide on the Internet. On-air and behind-the-scenes positions are available immediately.
Contact: Mr. Robbins serves as the Digital Media & Communications teacher/adviser. He can be best reached at todd.robbins@watertown.k12.ma.us or for more information visit his website http://www.mrrobbinsdmc.com
Community Explorers
Community Explorers at Watertown High is a program in which participants learn what it means to be part of a community and their responsibilities within that community. They do this through field trips, interviews, community service, utilizing public transit, using the supermarket and local restaurants to learn and connect to their neighborhood. They also have access to a kitchen where they cook different cultural dishes throughout the year with the annual Thanksgiving meal being used as an opportunity to invite families and administrators to partake in this festive season prepared by students. This year the Community Explorers Newsletter, “Communitas Exploratores” was launched, and it will soon be online on the WHS website. For information, contact Raymond Fox atraymond.fox@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Fiber Arts Club
Do you like playing with string? Have you ever wanted to experiment with fiber? Do you have a “UFO” – an Unfinished Project — at your house? If you answered yes to any of these questions, welcome to the Fiber Arts Club! Fiber arts covers a broad territory; we will explore knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and friendship bracelets. Beginners are welcome.
Meetings will be Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 p.m., in Room 317, beginning Oct. 6. Some supplies are available at the first meeting, but participants may want to purchase their own materials for their projects. For information, email christine.seashore@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Model UN
What we do: Members attend conferences on the regional and national level where current world affairs are discussed in a format based on that of the United Nations.
Meetings: Before school Thursdays, and some afternoon meetings may be scheduled as well
Goals: To increase skills in public speaking, to learn more about the world, and to work with others in a cooperative manner
Contact: Email or see Mr. Buck (Room 254) to be added to mailing list concerning meetings and events.
Gender-Sexuality Alliance
What we do: Help to make our school a more inclusive place, especially with respect to people’s gender and sexuality identities.
When: Every Wednesday before school at 7:20 a.m. in Ms. Riling’s room, 321.
Meetings: We check in with everybody, discuss current events that pertain to our group, and plan events and activities. We often assign tasks that will take place outside of the meeting.
Highlights: We run the Day of Silence and attend the local Youth Pride Parade. The group is very student-driven and we are always working on new initiatives suggested by students.
Contact: Ms. Riling: Room 321, meghan.riling@watertown.k12.ma.us
Robotics Team
Who: KwarQs FIRST Robotics Team
What we do: We’re a FIRST FRC team with the ultimate goal of showing students how much fun STEM careers can be. As such, we pair our students with professional engineers for mentorship and jointly work on a robot for each annual FIRST competition.
When: We generally meet twice a week during the fall and spring, and daily during the winter (January-February). Our calendar is available on our website, and we don’t expect all members to attend all meetings.
Where: Meetings take place in the Watertown High School Robotics Lab, with occasional expansions into the school’s cafeteria, CAD Lab, and Lecture Hall. Our competitions take place throughout New England, with at least two competition appearances guaranteed.
Highlights: Robotics is open to students with all types of backgrounds; business skills, personal skills, and handy skills all appreciated and welcomed. Together we’ll accomplish much, build a network for future growth, and enjoy “the hardest fun you’ll ever have!” FIRST students are also eligible to a growing pool of national scholarships.
Contact: Nicholas Smits at nicholas.smits@watertown.k12.ma.us or visit us online at http://team2423.org/
Social Butterflies and Social Network
Who: Social Butterflies (girls) and Social Network (boys). Students need to be recommended by WHS staff to join
What we do: Students come together to make connections, create friendships and participate in social activities that are meaningful. It is our hope the connections made develop into meaningful friendships and lead to expanded social opportunities for all students. It is also the goal of the clubs to expand throughout the district and be a presence in every school.
When: The first Friday of the month at 7:15 a.m. in the Caf.
Meetings: Various activities are scheduled throughout the year, usually at least once per month for each group. Sometimes we meet together.
Highlights: Some of the activities we have held in the past include movie night; ice skating in Boston; makeover night; Plaster Fun Time; ice cream in Harvard Square; make your own sundaes; basketball game; Canobie Lake Park; Kimballs; video games; meeting at school sporting events; out to eat- Not Your Average Joe’s; end-of-the-year cookout; and Red Sox game.
Contact: Michelle Fallon, Amanda Makosky, Karen Bloomer, Rob Randall, or Graham Madden.
Costa Rica 2016 Trip
A group of students is traveling to Costa Rica during April vacation 2016. The trip will explore all of Costa Rica on an eight-day guided tour. Students can continue to sign up for the next month. The group will be doing fund-raisers throughout the year to supplement the cost of the trip. For information, contact Adam Silverberg at adam.silverberg@watertown.k12.ma.us.
IDS Home Base
The purpose of IDS is to create an open, tolerant, and unique atmosphere where students can study and socialize, can contribute to the community through charity work and political and social activism, and promote the ideas of tolerance, equality, self-respect, and respect for others. In the IDS Home Base in Room 324, members meet informally before and after school, eat lunch together, and occasionally plan community events during and after school. Membership in IDS isn’t exclusive; the group is open to the entire student body — without exceptions — to all those who embrace its ideals. Interested students should drop into the IDS Home Base room before or after school and meet a student leader who can get them signed up.
Armenian Club
What we do: Discuss issues relevant to the Armenian community, be it in the high school, the Watertown community, or the national and international Armenian community. We also participate in as many activities in the community as possible. We also hold fund-raising activities to purchase medical care and medical supplies for remote Armenian villages. In addition, we participate in the Armenian Bone Marrow walk-a-thon, which is held every September in Watertown.
Meetings: We meet once or twice a month, as needed, usually after school. Sometimes we hold meetings before school to accommodate those members who have sports or work after school.
Highlights: By fostering involvement in the school and Armenian community at large, and by promoting community service, students learn responsibility, pride in volunteering, pride in belonging to a culture, and having fun at the same time. The major project of the year is the fund-raising for medical supplies. To date, we have raised enough money to care for more than1,000 villagers over the past three years. These villagers have never had medical care or medicine before our help. Each year, different villages receive this aid.We have also held food and toiletries drives to benefit the Watertown Food Pantry.
Contact: Ms. Tamakian, Room 335, sonia.tamakian@watertown.k12.ma.us
Raider Times newspaper
What we do: Students report and write stories for the Raider Times website (https://raidertimes.com/) and print editions. … Student journalists serve as writers, reporters, and photographers, and are also in charge of layout and design, as well as business operations.
When: Website is always up so stories can be published any time. Printed paper is published four times a school year.
Meetings: Students work independently; occasional in-school staff meetings.
Highlights: Working on the newspaper affords students opportunities to have their voices be heard by readers all over the world, all while interacting with interesting people doing interesting things. … Open to all students … No costs or fees.
Contact: The newspaper room is 345A. Email adviser John Vitti at john.vitti@watertown.k12.ma.us
–Sept. 23, 2015–